The Two-Han Princess and HIDECHAN! Radio soldiers are the only two special camo soldiers featured in all three versions of the game, as they are the only ones present in the American and European versions of the game. These character types are common in all three versions of the game, but the passwords to unlock them are different in each version.

The countries represented by these soldiers include the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Norway, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, Greece, Finland, and Denmark. The 12 flag-themed soldiers previously introduced in the European version of the original Portable Ops were carried over to the European version of this game. And yellow represent the Southern border states.

Red represent the southwestern states Blue represent the Western states Green represent the Midwestern states Orange represent the Southeastern states Purple represent the Northeastern states and Washington, D.C. The 51 U.S.-themed local camo soldiers, much like the prefecture soldiers, are identified by their fatigues possessing camo patterns, with a color representing the specific region they hail from, the name of the state on the front and an outline of its map on the back.
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This was given to the winner of the national Portable Ops Plus tournament. Both soldiers were later offered simultaneously on March 2008 and onward. The Mahjong Fight Club camo soldier was offered during the odd months, while the Quiz Magic Academy soldier was offered during the even months. These were themed after Konami arcade games and could be acquired by using the in-game AP Scout feature on an e-Amusement spot from September 2007 through February 2008. These could be acquired by joining an online game hosted on a FLET'S Spot Service. These were never offered as wireless downloads, with the exception of the Famitsu camo soldier, who was offered in the Tokyo Game Show in 2007 alongside specialized versions of the Black Genome and Chiba prefecture soldiers. The passwords were originally published in certain issues of each magazine. These are based on Japanese publications that promoted the game. The Joshin camo soldier from the previous game was not carried over. These were all carryovers from a similar promotional campaign for the original Portable Ops, except for the GEO camo soldier, who is completely new. They could be downloaded by taking a PSP and a copy of the game into one of the participating stores listed on this page and using the in-game AP Scout feature. These are based on retailers that took part of a special promotional campaign. Like the local camo soldiers, these can also be obtained with passwords.
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In addition to the prefecture soldiers, the Japanese version also features 16 exclusive special camo soldiers that were available for download in certain locations as part of various promotional campaigns and special events. (Source: MPO+ 兵士パスワード一覧) Prefecture Soldiers District Blue represent the Kanto district Red represent the Kyushu district Brown represent the Chubu district Orange represent the Shikoku district Yellow represent the Chugoku district Green represent the Tohoku district Pink represent the Kansai district and light blue represent Hokkaido. The 47 prefecture-themed soldiers are distinguished by their fatigues in camo patterns, each with a color representing the specific district, the name of the prefecture on the front, and an outline of the prefecture's map on the back. These local camo soldiers can also be obtained using passwords, although the password-generated versions all have the same base stats. Local camo soldiers are obtainable by using the GPS Receiver, a separately sold peripheral for the PSP, while in said locations in real life or by winning them in Real Combat mode. states, plus an additional 51st soldier based on the country's capital, Washington D.C.

In their place, the Japanese version features 47 soldier types based on prefectures, while the American version features 50 soldier types based on U.S. These were previously introduced in the European version of the original Portable Ops in the form of 12 flag-themed soldier types based on countries that were part of the European Union, which were carried over to the European version of this game. Portable Ops Plus features a category of character types known as "local camo soldiers" that differ between each regional release of the game. Verify if passwords exists for the European version and post them here if they do.